A semester spent studying in the big apple

Alexandre Maitre is a third-year Bachelor student who spent his first semester at PACE University in New York. In this article, he tells us about his experience on the other side of the Atlantic and gives us some valuable advice for AMOScians who want to go to this university.
What motivated you to go to New York?
“It was the international aspect of AMOS that led me to join this school in the second year of my Bachelor’s degree. I wanted to have a second language in my baggage, to discover international sport business, but also to have the chance to add an American university like PACE to my CV. When I was looking for a work placement, I could see that it made a real difference.”
Where to find your accommodation in the big apple?
“We found our accommodation in the George Town EHS student residence. It’s quite expensive, but the location is perfect for visiting the city and getting to campus. We were able to meet lots of international students and share many experiences with them.
As far as local activities are concerned, NY is like London and Paris, there are lots of things to see and do, and lots of events to attend. Even in 5 months here, there are so many things I haven’t had time to do.”
How does it feel to study in the US?
“The biggest difference when you arrive on an American campus is the size. Everything is huge, the campus is divided into several buildings. Our class was mainly French. We had 24 hours of classes a week, which left us time to network and take part in extra-curricular activities. As for the lecturers, they were all professionals in the sports business, which made the courses even more interesting. Some of them were agents for NFL and NBA players, and their experience helped us enormously in understanding the US sports market. “
What are the differences between the sport business in Europe and in the US?
“I was able to go to lots of matches, to see NBA, NFL, baseball, hockey and soccer games. It allowed me to compare the experience with what I knew in France.
One of the things I learnt was the importance of breaks. In a sport like baseball, there are often breaks in the game. During each of these breaks, a number of activities are put in place to capture the spectator’s attention. Different types of entertainment, always with a marketing objective. It was this business side that is omnipresent in US sport that made the biggest impression on me.”
What did you learn by studying abroad?
“After spending a semester in London and then one in New York, I realise that I’ve matured, I’ve learnt so many things about myself, about being independent. These were two experiences that really left their mark on me, and they help me on a daily basis in my work placement, which I found at the ACO in the partnership section.”
What will you do next?
“I see myself continuing my studies with a work-linked master’s degree. Ideally in the company I currently work for.”
Tips for AMOScians wanting to go to NY:
- Find your accommodation in advance.
- Student residences are expensive, but they’re a great way to meet lots of people.
- Street FC: this is an app for playing football. Pay 35$ a month and play as many Five as you want in a month.
- Food: HelloFresh, $70 worth of food per week (excluding snacks and breakfast).
- Cinema: AMC subscription for $25 a month.
- Dice App: application to find out where to go out and get discounts.
- TikTok is a good way to discover the best places in the city.
- City Pass: offers discounts for visiting the city’s most popular tourist attractions.
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Un diplôme de niveau bac+5 est courant pour ce type de métier. Un bachelor associé à un master ou un Programme en 5 ans permet de développer des compétences diverses. En effet, en plus d’élargir ses connaissances sur le marché du sport, les étudiants se spécialisent dans le management, la communication et le marketing du sport.