European Bachelor Sport Marketing and Event Management
We invite you to enter a world where sport and its values are omnipresent. Enter a world of passions, emotions and sensations. Integrate into a market that never stops reinventing itself. Build the future of sports with us !
Highlights of the European Bachelor in Sport Marketing and Event Management
Unique work experiences
Year 1
Unique work experiencesYear 11 year of classes in Paris, Nice, Madrid or Valencia (campuses open depending on the number of seats)
2 periods of volunteering
Optional : study trip in London (1 week)
Full-time programme – 100% English courses
One year abroad
Year 2
One year abroadYear 21 year of classes in Paris, Nice, Madrid or Valencia starting in 2025/26 (campuses open depending on the number of seats)
2 periods of volunteering
Full-time programme – 100% English courses
Open to Europe and the world
Year 3
Open to Europe and the worldYear 31 semester of classes in Paris, Nice, Madrid or Valencia starting in 2026/27 (campuses open depending on the number of seats)
4 months in internship abroad
Individual coaching to get your first job
Completion of a professional dissertation in English
Defense in front of a board of examiners
Full-time programme – 100% English courses
Our European Bachelor Sport Marketing and Event Management in details
This practical training prepares students to meet the challenges of the ever-changing sports industry. In addition, they will acquire the skills and expertise necessary to succeed in their careers.

From the first year, opportunities in the international sports business world will open up to you.
You’ll have the opportunity to discover many different sporting cultures through international work experience.
The main modules of the course :
- Introduction to sports management
- Sports law
- Project management
- Entrepreneurship and finance
- Sport marketing
- Sports event organization
- Social and sustainable development in business
- Business development
- Digital tools
- E-sport
- Innovation in sport
- Management skills
- Career development
- Conferences

To develop your openness to the world and English language skills, you’ll be able to take courses at our campuses in Madrid, Paris and London.
To build your future career, we have set up our schools in the heart of different cities and countries. We target the companies that match your profile and where you would like to take your first professional steps. You will find at AMOS the possibilities to create for yourself a network of professional experts in different sports sectors all around the world.

This year focuses on professionalization in the sports business, opening up international opportunities.
With more than 32 partner universities all over the world, study trips, language courses, we propose you a variety of international experiences during your academic program.
Course presentation
Degree and RNCP certification
- Degree heading : “Sport Marketing and Event management” – Acquisition of 180 credits ECTS (European Credits Transfer System).
- RNCP Certification Bachelor Sport Professions, Heading “Sport Marketing and Event Manager”, level 6, NSF code 335, registered with the RNCP on 18/11/2019, awarded by ACE EDUCATION. Fiche RNCP 34317.
Training program
This program may be partially modified for the start of the 2024 school year.
Courses 100% in English
Management of sports organisations
Operational team management
Sports events and project management
Olympic and Paralympic Games – Paris 2024Marketing and business development
B-to-C sales techniques
Relationship marketing and CRM
Sales process optimisation
Digital marketing
Sport and dataCommunication, media & digital in sport
Optimising corporate social networks
Media strategy
Operational management of a communication plan
Visual communication / DTP tools
Managing a digital project and measuring its impact
Community managementLegal and sports culture
Sports law
History of sport
Philosophy and sociology of sportBusiness and entrepreneurial strategy
Applied statistics in sport
Fundamentals of sports economics
Introduction to financial analysisHours of study in 3rd year of Bachelor = 461 hours
Assessment methods
Our students are assessed throughout the academic year by continuous assessment (homework, case studies, oral presentations, etc.) and in mid-term sessions. A professional dissertation will be produced and presented to a jury at the end of the 3rd year. Certification is obtained by capitalising on all the skill blocks and defending the end-of-study dissertation in English.
Certification is conditional upon validation of all the common skill blocks of the qualification, enabling the student to practise the profession, and validation of a professional thesis.
Assessment is based on the blocks of skills that make up the qualification. These include: simulations of work situations, submission of a written professional dissertation following a 4-month end-of-studies work placement and oral defence of the professional dissertation. -
Methods used and objectives
Methods used :
- Our speakers are recognised experts who guide and support our students throughout their training. Their learning methods are based on the autonomy of students, who are regularly involved in their own training. The sessions alternate theoretical contributions with practical applications. Work and production in sub-groups are encouraged, as is international work experience.
Objectives :
- Set up sporting and financial partnerships
- Market sports products and services
- Manage commercial activities in the sports sector
- Manage events projects in the world of sport
BTS, DUT or 2nd year bachelor’s degree or equivalent to enter the 2nd or 3rd year in parallel admission. Validation of the required number of ECTS credits (i.e. 60 ECTS credits/year) and compulsory 3-week refresher course.
Training rates
As the course is still in its early stages, we are not yet in a position to publish indicators. However, we undertake to publish the following rates as soon as they become available: success rate, drop-out rate, number of students trained. It is not possible to publish results indicators concerning continuation rates or professional integration rates.
Further study
On completion of the European Bachelor Sport Marketing and Event Management, students can go on to the International Master of Business in Sport or the Master of Business in Sport.
Tuition fees 2024/2025
Bachelor 1st year
1 year course in Madrid or Valencia in Spain or Paris and Nice in France (campuses open depending on the number of places)
Work experience in France or abroadOptional 1 week team-building seminar in the UK
Initial training only – 100% English courses
Bachelor 2nd year
1 year course in Madrid and Valencia in Spain or Paris in France (campuses open depending on the number of places)
Professional experience in France or abroadInitial training only – 100% English courses
Bachelor 3rd year
1 semester of courses in Madrid and Valencia in Spain or Paris in France (campuses open depending on the number of places) or at a partner university
1 semester of international work experienceOptional:
A seminar in Madrid and Barcelona – 5 days (for students on the Valencia and Madrid campuses)
Initial training only – 100% English courses
Where to take this course?
Admissions process
Turn your passion for sport into a career by choosing one of our specialized courses from Bac+3 to Bac+5, in marketing, communication, sponsorship, events, media…
Step 1
Fill out the online admission form with your personal details.
Your contact information is required to accompany you throughout the process by the admissions team. To facilitate your orientation, please be sure to provide accurate and truthful information.Admission to the 1st year is based on students’ application, academic performance in high school or recent university studies, level of English proficiency and motivation to join the school.
Send your application documents in PDF format to :
1. Copy of valid passport. We recommend that your
passport has at least six months of validity remaining
whenever you travel abroad.2. Curriculum Vitae (in English). It must include your academic summary, work experience, internships, volunteering, and any other useful information to assess you’re your profile.
3. Cover letter (motivation letter in English). It must be well structure and explain the reasons to choose the program and the school.
4. Copy of original transcripts of the last year of studies*.
5. Degree. High school diploma for high school seniors/
recent school graduates OR Bachelor’s degree in case of graduation.6. 2 letters of reference (academics or professionals) in English – Optional.
Once these documents are sent, they will be reviewed by our international admission officer who will instruct you on the remaining steps
*All academic documents (degree and transcripts) must be submitted in English or French. If the original language is different, be sure to attach their official translation.
Step 2
Once we receive and validate all the application documents, we’ll create your student profile, which we will finalize in the next steps:
Schedule your online admission interview. During this interview, your level of English will be evaluated if you are not a native English speaker. You can choose the date to pass it with an Admissions officer.
Pass an admission test in English :
- Quiz on Sports culture.
- Essay on sports (350 words)